Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Over $500
Title: Madonna
Artist: Golubeva Elena
Size: 11x14.5x3.5
Size (inches): 4.25x5.75x1.25
Price: $1450 $750

Description: This enchanting portrait of Madoona has been painted by the famous Fedoskino painter Golubeva Elena.The originally this composition was painted by Ingres lived in 1780-1867.
The artist Golubeva has focused the viewer's attention on Madonna's face; an artist perfectly renders her facial details and nuances tones of her skin. Using various artistic methods, Golubeva has managed to express innocence and sincerity of Madonna.
The base of the box has brown colored effect.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the box while red lacquer completes the interior of the work. The lid is hinged from the left of the portrait, and the box rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed with the artist's name, and the village of Fedoskino.
Fine work!!!