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Home > Collection > Fedoskino > Over $500

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Title: Winter in a Russian Village
Artist: Serdotetskov Vladimir
Size: 18x3x11.5
Size (inches): 7x1.25x4.5
Price : $1100 SOLD!


The famous Fedoskino landscape painter Vladimir Serdotetskov created this originally purse-shaped box. Serdotetskov loves Russian nature and in each of his brilliant boxes he shows his admiration aroused by the views of Russian countryside.
The box depicts a dull winter day. The snowdrifts are deep and fluffy. Peasants are coming back to their warm, cozy wooden houses where they can warm themselves near a stove. On the one side of the box we can see a pair coming back home through a forest and on the other side we can see the villagers more closer. On the front a guy is riding the horse in a sledge and there is a figure caring two buckles of water on the carry-yoke. Further, two ladies are gossiping the latest village news...
The landscape is painted in dark blue, gray and white tones of oils that successfully reflect the state of nature of the chosen season. To paint these two winter landscapes the artist has used two surfaces of the box. The box's exterior is covered with blue and gray lacquers whereas its interior is covered with red lacquer.Both pictures from both sides are framed with a gold lines.
The box is made out of paper-mache. The lid is hinged, and rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed with the name of the artist, Fedoskino, and the year of 2011.

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