Home > Collection > Palekh > Over $500
Title: The Sleeping Beauty
Artist: Bogachova Nina Pavlovna
Size: 17.5x12.5x3
Size (inches): 6.75x5x1.25
Price: $1950 $1650

Description: Nina Bogachyova from the village of Palekh is the talented miniaturist who handcrafted this stunning piece of artistic expression.
The painting is based on the popular story of, "The Sleeping Beauty." This story was originally put to pen by French writer Charles Perrault in 1696. The little long-awaited Princess was born in the kingdom. Her parents organized a sumptuous feast and invited seven young fairies. In those times fairies had a marvelous custom to endow their goddaughters with merits and virtues. When the feast was about to begin, the aged fairy appeared whom no one had thought to invite because people supposed her to be dead or bewitched. She declared that the princess would prick her hand with a spindle, and die of it. The King, the Queen, and all the guests were very afraid of this terrible gift. But at this moment one of the young fairies said: "Take comfort, your Majesties, your daughter won't not die. The princess will indeed prick her hand with a spindle. But instead of dying she will merely fall into a profound slumber that will last a hundred years. At the end of that time a king's son will come to awaken her." The prophecy came true. But not only the princess but the whole kingdom fell into a deep sleep.
Here Bogachyova has painted some clue moments from this story including the aged, neglected fairy telling her dreadful prophecy over the cradle of the little princess; realization of this prophecy - the princess pricks her finger with the spindle and falls into a profound slumber together with all her kingdom; and the handsome prince who has come to the enchanted kingdom to destroy the evil spell and awake the princess by his sweet kiss.
The artist's palette is diverse, but the predominance is given to various shades of green, blue, red and brown. She enhances details with brilliant gold paint that makes the composition radiate with a tremendous glow.
The edges of the lid and the box's sides are decorated with intricate gold ornaments.