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Title: Book: Russian Lacquer Miniature- tradition and modernity
Artist: Text by Ludmila Pirogova
Size: 23x29.5x2.5
Size (inches): 9x11.5x1
Price: $85

Description: A new catalog included the works from the Exhibition took place in Moscow in Nov 2013-Jan 2014. The photos of the works of such talented and famous Masters of lacquer miniature as Kozlov Sergey, Anokhin Pavel, Khodova Tatiana, Shapkin Oleg and so on are published in this catalog. Also you will find some of the boxes from the funds of All-Russia Museum of Folk and Applied Art in Moscow. All together 306 items!
Correct price is $60, but the book is very heavy, so the shipping will cost $40.
If someone will make a payment with PayPal (through the basket on a site), the correct value will appear automatically, cost of book plus shipping- $100.