Home > Gallery > Fedoskino > Over $500
Title: Morozko
Artist: Andreev A.
Size: 15x12x3
Price : $1200 SOLD!

Description: The box is made out of paper-mache. The edges of the lid are covered with skillfully painted aluminum patterns woven of big and small snow flakes. The sides are adorned with a waving silver line. For additional decoration, the sides are covered with blued oil paint and studded with tiny white and silver spots and waving lines, it looks like veins on the stone. There are small compositions showing Russian village in winter including small huts, trees, animals, troikas, wrapping around the sides. The elegantly shaped box has a hinge from the top of the composition and rests on four legs. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The box is signed with the artist's name (Andreev), village (Fedoskino) and year (2001).