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Home > Gallery > Fedoskino > Over $500

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Title: Ridding a Swine
Artist: Iliyn Nikolay and Irina
Size: 8.5x6x2
Size (inches): 3.25x2.25x0.75
Price : $750 SOLD!


Ilyin and Ilyina from the village of Fedoskino is the artist who painted this humorous scene. A little girl rides a swine laughing loudly. She imagines that she is a knight, while the swine is a mighty steed. Childhood is a happy time when even a swine may turn into a steed! It is the time when fantasy is considered like reality.
The scene is brilliantly painted. Much attention is focused on reflection of the girl's emotions, her elated mood. It is a very difficult task to reproduce happiness and pure rapture on a child's face!
Mother-of-pearl shines through the girl's blouse. Gold paint highlights the fence, the stirrups and the saddle.
The scene is framed with a stylish leafy pattern painted in oils against the blue background and outlined with gold paints.
The box's exterior is yellow-cream, while its interior is traditionally red.
The box is made out of paper-mache. A hinge has been fastened to the left of the composition, and the box rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed and dated (2006) by the artist.

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