Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Stavr Godinovich and Vasilisa Mikulichna
Artist: Babkin Viktor
Size: 20x20x4.5
Size (inches): 7.75x7.75x1.75
Price : $395 SOLD!

Description: Here, experience is a prime factor in determining the elegant possibilities for this work. Established Palekh artist Victor Babkin uses all that he has and more, in order to compose this elaborate representation of Russian legend "Stavr Godinovich and Vasilisa Mikulichna".
The painting here depicts Stavr Godinovich as he is held against his will by the guards of Prince Vladimir. The wealthy Prince Vladimir was bragging the night away. His impressive fortune was the topic of his own, singular conversation with himself. Stavr Godinovich had heard enough of it and he decided to make a boast of his own. He told the entire party that he was indeed much wealthier than Prince Vladimir. Prince Vladimir was outraged! He had Stavr Godinovich imprisoned for his blatant disrespect. The only hope for Stavr Godinovich was his beautiful wife, Vasilisa Mikulichna. An intriguing disguise might be in the mix as well. Love, the options are infinite...
Everything within the composition has been painted as a delicate treasure. A general thinness of painting combines with massive color combinations in order to produce the desired medieval personality. This is especially true within the clothing of the characters. Stavr Godinovich stands out here. He is painted much lighter than the rest of the men in the room. The light olive, tan and orange tones build his aura of being the only good-guy in the room. And what a room it is! The floor is magnificent. The arching roof top is completed in such a way, that it appears like something out of a famous museum. Wild filigree features extend outwards over a clay-orange background, gorgeous columns hold this ceiling above the costumed assembly.
The golden and aluminum contours strewn across the composition cannot be overlooked. The armor, weapons and highlighted shading spread out across the furniture act like musical notes in orchestral advance.
The box is constructed from paper-mache made in the village of Palekh. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the piece while red lacquer completes the interior of the work. As customary with Palekh tradition, the black lacquer exterior also acts as the background for the scene. This increases the stately grace of the surrounding decoration, in and around the central composition. The lid's artistry is framed with Byzantine-like gold and aluminum patterns. All four sides are patterned with a very similar design that is very exquisite.
The box rests on a flat bottom. A hinge has been fastened to the top of the composition for ease of opening. The artist has signed his name, the village name of Palekh and the year of 2005 of which the piece was finished along the bottom of the composition in bright gold paint.