Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Before and After
Artist: Chigarev A.
Size: 9.5x9.5x3.5
Size (inches): 3.75x3.75x1.25
Price : $150 SOLD!

Description: This original in design box was painted by Palekh artist Chigaryov A.
If you turn this round box in your hands you'll see two different scenes. The upper part of the composition shows the husband and the wife before marriage, while its bottom part shows the husband and the wife after marriage. Before marriage the artist depicts them as a happy couple, while after marriage they are painted as people who hate each other.
The scene is painted in bright colors against the blue background. Gold paint is used to detail the characters' clothes.
The composition is framed with a gold line. Each composition is titled in gold paints: "Before Marriage"; "After Marriage". Two parallel gold lines decorate the sides of the box.
The box is made out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. The lid isn't hinged, and the box rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed with the name of the artist and the village,.