Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Winter troika
Artist: Populov Eugene
Size: 11x3.5x3.5
Size (inches): 4.25x1.25x1.25
Price : $235 SOLD!

Description: Yevgeny Populov of Palekh is the artist who painted the composition on this box. Here we see a couple racing through their village at a blistering pace while a driver encourages the horses. The pace that is being set by the driver looks like it will not be slowing any time soon. The horses with their muscular and sinewy bodies are the tools letting the troika sled traverse the terrain at such great speeds and ease. Once the ride will come to an end it will seem as though time had stood still for the duration of the ride and the two passengers will go back to their lives with a new understanding and love of life.
Warm colors are found in the palette that was used to paint this scene as well as cool colors. These colors play with the wintertime setting that is supposed to be cold but the troika lets the peoples souls feel warm, which is why they are painted with warm paints. Gold and aluminum paints are applied within the composition to add brightness and detail. The application of metallic paints is very subtle yet yields great results.
The box is constructed out of high-grade paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior and red lacquer is used to paint the interior of the box. Gold and aluminum paints are used once again to paint the beading and filigree decorations that adorn the box. The box has a hinge located above the composition and rests on a flat bottom. Populov wrote Kholuy, the year of 2005 and his name at the bottom of the composition in gold paint.