Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Tale of Tsar Saltan
Artist: Bokareva Anna
Size: 16x7x4
Size (inches): 6.25x2.75x1.5
Price : $495 SOLD!

Description: This traditional Palekh box was painted by Anna Bokareva . It features a scene from the Pushkin's fairy-tale "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". In the center of the composition we can see Prince Gvidon standing arm-in-arm with his wife, Princess Swan, and Gvidon's father, Tsar Saltan. From the left and the right of this scene the people both Gvidon's and Tsar Saltan's kingdoms glorify the reunion of the family.
The drawing is colorful and filled with intricate details. Bright red, green, yellow, orange color patches seem to be brighter against the black background. Gold paint is used to adorn almost all elements of the composition. Aluminum paint is used only to highlight waves of the sea and decorate the architecture. The composition is complex in its structure. It includes nine individualized human figures, two sailing ships, and detailed architecture. The scene is penetrated with the sense of magic world of a fairy-tale. Fantastic plants, multicolored architecture and Russian traditional costumes of the characters strengthen this sensation.
The box is constructed out of high-grade paper-mache. The lid is hinged on top and the box stands on four round feet. The exterior of the piece is painted with black lacquer and interior is painted with red lacquer. The lid of the box is decorated with the elegant gold patterns. The sides of the boxes are adorned with more intricate gold and aluminum ornamentation. The work is signed with the artist's name, the village of Palekh, and the year of 2005.