Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Fairy tale
Artist: Tsyganova Olga
Size: 16.5x11.5x4
Size (inches): 6.5x4.5x1.5
Price : $650 SOLD!

Description: This box has been created by Olga Tsyganova from the village of Palekh. It features several episodes from the fairy-tale "Marya Morevna". In the left bottom corner Ivan Tsarevich gives to drink to Koshchey the Deathless. After drinking three buckets of water, Koshchey regained his strength and threw off the chains. Instead of thanking Ivan Tsarevich, Koshchey stole his wife, Marya Morevna. This episode is painted in the left upper corner. More than once Ivan Tsarevich tried to return his wife, but every time Koshchey overtook the fugitives. There was only one way out. Ivan had to steal the magic steed from Baba-Yaga. This steed was mightier than Koshchey's one. The episode featuring Ivan stealing Baba-Yaga's steed is painted in the right part of the scene.
The scene is painted in bright orange, red, green and blue tones against the black background. It is richly detailed with gold paints.
The scene is framed with gold beads, while the sides of the box are decorated with gold and aluminum floral ornamentation.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the piece while red lacquer completes the interior of the work. A hinge is fastened to the top of the composition. The box rests on four legs. It is signed by the artist at the bottom of the composition in gold paints.