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Title: Alice in Wonderland
Artist: Peskova Irina
Size: 13.5x10x5.5
Size (inches): 5.25x4x2
Price : $375 SOLD!

Description: Irina Peskova from the village of Palekh painted this box. It shows an episode from Lewis Carroll's classic tale "Alice in Wonderland". This is the very beginning of chapter VIII. Alice found herself at last in the beautiful garden, among the bright flower-beds and the cool fountains. A large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red. Alice was very surprised and asked why they were painting those roses. Their answer was very strange: the Queen ordered to plant a RED rose-tree, but they put a white one in by mistake; and now there was a threat for them to have their heads cut off. The gardeners' appearance was also very strange