Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There)
Artist: Peskova Irina
Size: 13.5x10x5.5
Size (inches): 5.25x4x2
Price : $375 SOLD!

Description: The talented Irina Peskova from the village of Palekh painted this colorful box. It features some of the characters from Lewis Carroll's (1832-1898) classic tales "Alice in Wonderland", and "Through the Looking Glass". In the middle of the scene we can see Alice and the Mouse crossing the pool of tears. After falling down through the rabbit hole, Alice found herself in the long hall where she ate magic cake and drank magic syrup. These dainties changed the size of Alice's body. At first she grew in size, and was so disappointed at her gigantic stature that she immediately burst into tears. Then she became smaller, and her own tears became the boundless pool of tears for her.
In the left upper corner we can see the Queen and the King of the magic land who are animated chess. In the middle of the box's upper part there are the Lion and the Unicorn who eat the cake having finished their fight for the King's crown. The right upper corner features Humpty Dumpty who looks like an ordinary egg.
The palette is very bright and filled with oranges, reds, greens and blues. Gold paint is used to add detail and highlight areas of importance in the scene. Gold metal leaf shines through the river's water and through some of the windows.
The box's sides are decorated with the beautiful pattern composed of roses. It is painted in gold paints, while the flowers located in the middle are made out of gold metal foil.
The box is constructed from paper-mache. Black lacquer was used to paint the exterior of the piece while red lacquer completes the interior of the box. A hinge is fastened to the top of the scene, and the box rests on four legs. The work is signed and dated (2006) by the artist.