Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Snow White and Rose Red
Artist: Meshkova(Bykova) Yekaterina
Size: 12x9.5x2
Size (inches): 4.75x3.75x0.75
Price : $475 SOLD!

Description: This charming oval box has been created by Ekaterina Meshkova (Bykova) from the village of Palekh. It shows the main characters from the fairy-tale "Snow White and Rose Red" written by the brothers Grimm. The tale tells the story of Snow White and Rose Red, two girls living with their mother in a small cottage. One winter evening, there is a knock at the door. Rose Red opens the door to find a bear. At first she is terrified, but the bear tells her not to be afraid. They let the bear in and he lies down in front of the fire. Snow White and Rose Red beat the snow off the bear, and quickly become quite friendly with him. They let the bear spend the night in front of the fire, and in the morning, he leaves, trotting out into the woods. The bear comes back every night for the rest of that winter and the family grows used to him. When summer comes, the bear tells them that he must go away for a while to guard his treasure from a wicked dwarf. During the summer the girls are walking through the forest, when they find a dwarf who has his beard stuck in a tree. The girls rescue him by cutting his beard free, but the dwarf is ungrateful, and yells at the girls for cutting his beautiful beard. The girls encounter the dwarf several times that summer, rescue him from some peril, and each time the dwarf is ungrateful. Then one day they meet the dwarf once again, who is as always trapped in some peril. This time he is terrified because the bear is about to kill him. The dwarf pleads with the bear, begs the beast to eat the girls instead of him, but the bear pays no heed and kills the dwarf with one swipe of his paw. Then the bear turns into a prince; the dwarf had bewitched the prince by stealing his gold and turning him into a bear, but the curse is broken with the death of the dwarf. Snow White marries the prince and Rose Red marries his brother.
The artist has used a rich palette of bright tempera paints to paint this box. Gold and aluminum paints are applied with a very fine brush to add various details. Gold is also used to draw a line that frames the composition, and create intricate leafy pattern that adorns the lid's sides. The box's exterior is covered with grey-blue colored imitation marble while its interior is traditionally red. The lid is hinged at the top, and the box rests on a flat bottom. The artist's name, the title, the year of 2007, the confirmation that this box is an original work, and the village of Palekh can be found on the lid's interior painted in gold paints.