Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Tale of a Fire-Bird
Artist: Vikhrev Ivan
Size: 7x7x3.5
Size (inches): 3.75x2.75x1.25
Price : $195 SOLD!

Description: This classical composition shows us an episode from a "Tale of a Firebird".
Ivan catched Firebird by the tail, but the bird moved away and left a feather from a tail in a hands of Ivan.
The box is painted by a well-known Palekh artist Ivan Vikhrev and very detailed.
The box is constructed out of paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the outside and red lacquer is used to paint the inside of the box. The artist uses gold paints to decorate the box with scrollwork.
The box is hinged to the top of the composition and rests on four round legs. The artist signs his name, Palekh and a date on the bottom of the box.