Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Beauty of a Nature
Artist: Shatokhina Zhenya
Size: 8x8x4.5
Size (inches): 3x3x1.75
Price : $480 SOLD!

Description: This beautiful round box is a creation of Yevgenia (Zhenya) Shatokhina. It shows a girl enjoying a sunny, summer day sitting on the meadow. On the box's sides the artist continues to paint various flowers and herbs that grow on the meadow where the girl sits on.
The palette is full of greens, browns, reds, blues and other natural colors. Palekhs's characteristic black background allows these colors to be at their
boldest and most vivacious. Gold and aluminum paint is used to outline and detail.
The box is constructed out of paper-mache. Black lacquer covers the exterior
and red lacquer covers the interior of the box. For decorative purposes the
artist frames the scene with a gold floral pattern accented with aluminum while
a simple pattern composed of gold beads wraps around the bottom edge the
box. The lid isn't hinged and the box rests on a flat bottom The work signed
with the artist's name, Palekh and the year of 2006.