Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Little Vanyusha is sleeping/Lullaby
Artist: Gurileova Marie
Size: 12x9.5x2
Size (inches): 4.75x3.75x0.75
Price : $495 SOLD!

Description: This magical piece was created with true passion for subject by Palekh artist, Maria Gurilyeva. She is well known for her dedication to detailed imagery and high quality execution. The subject is based on a Russian child's lullaby. The following extract from this lullaby is written in the bottom part of the composition: “The cranes has flown and sat on the gates, the gates are creaking and the boy, Vanyusha, is sleeping.” This moment from the lullaby is vividly expressed on the box using delicate tones of tempera paints. Gold paint, applied with extreme precision, details almost every aspect of the composition. The detailing with the metallic paints is so fine, in fact, that a brush with no more than a single hair was used in many areas. Like all of Gurilyeva work, this piece is very well detailed and has its own unique mood.
The box is constructed out of high-quality paper-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the box and red lacquer is used to paint the interior of the box. The exterior is decorated with elegant gold patterns. The lid is hinged from the top of the composition and rests on a flat bottom. The work is signed with the artist's name, Palekh and the year of 2010.