Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500
Title: Winter time!
Artist: Konovalova Valentina
Size: 10x8x7.5
Size (inches): 4x3.25x3
Price : $365 SOLD!

Description: This interesting small five-sided casket has been painted by Konovalova Valentina from the village of Palekh. It shows all kinds of winter outdoor fun in countryside. Children often are sledging down the hill, playing snowballs, teenagers are dating...
On the lid of the casket we can see the three horses(troyka) ride in the sledge. On the front side kids are making a snowman.On the left side- the ice fishing through the hole in the ice.On the right side we can see the hunting for a squirrel, because in winter its fur is very beautiful and valuable. And on the back side- the lad is flirting with a girl, who is carring the water on the shoulder-yoke.
The drawing is colorful and filled with intricate details. Bright red, orange, yellow, and blue color patches seem to be brighter against the black background. The details are added with the gold paint.
The box is constructed from paper-mache.
Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the box while red lacquer completes the interior.
The painting on a lid is framed with golden dot ornament. The box has a hinge above the composition and rests on two platforms.
The work is signed with the artist's name and the village of Palekh.