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Home > Gallery > Palekh > Under $500

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Title: Tale of a Little Hump-backed Horse
Artist: Denisenko Marina
Size: 11.5x7
Size (inches): 4.5x2.75
Price : $420 SOLD!


This half sphere-shaped box was painted by a talented Palekh artist, Denisenko Marina.
The whole surface of the box (except the buttom) is covered with colorful scenes that depict episodes from the popular Russian fairy-tale "The Humpbacked Pony".
In short, this fairy tale about a magic humpback pony, who helps his master Ivan to perform difficult tasks of the Tsar.
Here we can see the scenes depicting some key moments of the story. One of them shows how Ivan managed to catch the beautiful Tsar Maiden by the tsar's order. Another scene shows Ivan and his faithful friend the Humpbacked Pony, standing near the beautiful palace. The next Ivan's task given him by the tsar: to bring the ring lost somewhere on the bottom of the Sea.Then we can see the huge Whale, the back of which is covered with forests, meadows and villages. This monster will help Ivan to find the ring of Tsar Maiden. Ivan and the Whale arrange a deal: Ivan has to find out why the While is punished and suffers loaded with villagers, having no possibility to swim like other fishes; while the While has to find the ring. To find out the reason of the Whale's suffering, Ivan and his pony rise high into the sky on their way to the Moon's palace. The Moon tells Ivan that the Whale is punished because he has swallowed three dozen ships. After that the Whale lets the ships go, receiving his freedom, whereas Ivan receives the ring. The end of the story is happy: Ivan marries the beautiful Tsar Maiden, while the greedy tsar is punished.
A broad spectrum of colors is used to create this detailed painting. The artist leaves the sky black, which is one of Palekh's stylistic trademarks, but does not mean that the scene is taking place at night.
Gold paint and aluminum paints are used to enhance the life and brightness of the scene. Aluminum is found texturing the flow of the river's water, while the gold makes the trees leaves come to life as well as the detail on the buidings. The costumes of the characters are also decorated with gold and aluminum paints. The brushstrokes that attract the eye are very precise, solid, and move very smoothly between every different aspect in the composition.
The base on which the box rest is decorated with gold and aluminum scrolling patterns. The box is made out of paper-mache made. Black lacquer covers the exterior and red lacquer covers the interior of the box.
The lid is attached to the base with hinge. The box is signed with the artist's name and the village of Palekh.

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