Home > Gallery > Palekh > Over $500
Title: Princess Frog
Artist: Populovs
Size: 14x9x11
Size (inches): 5 1/4x3 1/2x4 1/2
Price : $850 SOLD!

Description: The Populovs, Yevgeniy and Marina, combined their talents in order to create this profound presentation of genuine Russian artistry. Each composition is a poetic representation of their abilities and the passion that they have for their work. No matter what phraseology is used to describe the work exposed here, beauty will always be the primary feature of the artistic climax.
The artistry patterned upon this chest was applied primarily with egg-tempera paint. It features five large, well detailed scenes from the Russian classic entitled, "The Princess Frog". It is a fairy-tale in every sense of the term. Adventure, romance and mystery all surround this turbulent story about what really lies within face value. The settings are just as magical as the characters within them. The artists' desire to transfer the essence of the tale was accomplished. The entire presentation is an excellent example of what is possible when the artistic mind begins to spin. Here, two of them compose the final reward.
The lid's composition depicts the earliest moment from the tale. We see the three brothers as they prepare to launch their arrows of possibility high into the sky. Creatively, this scene is split into four separate locations! There are the two maidens that find their arrows, the forest location where the gents fire their arrows and the remote pond where the Princess Frog is found. The front side of the box depicts one of the proudest moments experienced by young Ivan Tsarevich. In this scene, the three brothers are invited to a large feast and they are told to bring their wives. Everyone makes fun of poor Ivan when he shows up alone. That is, until the gorgeous Vasilisa the Wise and Clever shows up! Here, she creates a
miniature lake full of swans with just one nonchalant wave of her hand.
On the right side of the box, the artist depicts the meeting between Ivan and the Old Man. This comes a few days after Ivan decided to burn the frog skin. The Old Man hands Ivan a ball of string that Ivan must throw and follow, if he ever wants to see his precious Vasilisa again. To the right is the Bear that Ivan almost kills. By sparing his life, help was in store. To the far left, Ivan's meeting with Baba-Yaga. She will lead Ivan to the dreaded Koshchei the Deathless who happens to have Vasilisa under his power.
The left side involves a change in Ivan's luck. Here, he receives the help of the Bear in order to get the golden chest within the tree to reveal its contents. Within the chest lies the needle holding the key to Koshchei's powers. Ivan is noticed bending the needle, which he'll continue to do until it breaks! Koshchei is seen writhing in pain in the background. The rear side displays the ultimate happily ever after as Ivan and Vasilisa have been reunited! What an adventure...for all parties involved!
Each of the five scenes is an absolute delight. The details within the compositions are enhanced tremendously by the golden and aluminum contours illuminating each and every inch of the moment composed. Lavish colors and intricate designs patterned upon the clothes of the characters are something to behold. The clarity within each scene is also very impressive. This box is both bold and beautiful.
The box is constructed from paper-mache made in the village of Palekh. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the scene while radiant red lacquer completes the interior of the piece. All five of the compositions have been framed with luxurious golden filigree. When all of the ornamentation is combined you have a striking radiance that is quite attractive. This piece rests upon four angled feet that are actually an extension of the base. Upon completion of the piece the artists sign their names, the village name of Palekh and the year of 2004 of which the piece was finished along the bottom of the lid's composition in gold paint.