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Home > Gallery > Palekh > Over $500

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Title: Bogatyr's Russ
Artist: Bogdanov Vladimir
Size: 7x7x9.5
Size (inches): 2.75x2.75x3.75
Price : $650 SOLD!


Vladimir Bogdanov from the village of Palekh created this unusual box. All four sides of the box, and the box's lid are covered beautiful miniatures dedicated to the theme of Russian bylinas and their most famous bogatyrs. The lid's composition features the most popular bogatyrs in Russian, - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich riding their steeds. The front side of the box shows Ilya Muromets who has just defeated Solovey the Bandit. The left side depicts Dobrynya Nikitich killing the Dragon who stole the niece of Prince Vladimir, Zabava (she is depicted in the background while hiding in the cavern). The right side features the battle of Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmyeyevich that symbolizes the Mongolian Tartar Yoke. The rear side of the box displays another Russian bogatyr, Mikula Selyaninovich, the ploughman, and the embodiment of hard-working Russian people. The strongest of Russian bogatyrs, Svyatogor, couldn't lift the bag filled with the Earth's heaviness dropped out of Mikula's hands. Prince-Werewolf, Volga, together with his army, also couldn't surpass Mikula in strength. They all couldn't lift Mikula's plough.
The palette is based in smooth yellows, greens, reds and browns. Gold and aluminum paints are used to add intricate details that bring out the true beauty of the palette and develop the contours as well. The black background gives a sense of infinite depth to the scene, which is something Palekh artists have been doing in their paintings from the start. This is a classic example of Palekh lacquer miniature painting.
The box is constructed from high-grade papier-mache. Black lacquer is used to paint the exterior of the piece while red lacquer completes the interior of the box. The lid his hinged to the top of the composition. Golden filigree designs adorn the lid and the sides of the box. The traditional Russian tea box shaped box sits on two legs which are formed by an arch between the two nonadjacent sides. Each scene is titled with the name a bogatyr it depicts. The box is signed with the artist's name, the village of Palekh, the year of 2005 and the title ("Rus Bogatyrskaya").

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