Home > Gallery > Palekh > Over $500
Title: Fire Bird (1955)
Artist: Teryokhin Alexander (1916-1992)
Size: 12.5x12.25x5
Size (inches): 5x5x2
Price : $795 SOLD!

Description: Teryokhin Alexander Vasilievich(1916-1992).
Alexander Teryokhin was born in 21 Aug 1916 in a village of Podolino near Palekh, he has past us away in 1992 in a village of Dyagilevo near Palekh.
Veteran of World War II (1941-1945).Teryokhin was awarded three times with the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, medals for the "Capture of Berlin", for "The liberation of Poland".
Teryokhin has been studied in Palekh Art School (1931-1935). Has worked in Palekh Workshops since 1935, a memeber of The Union of Russian Artists since 1960.
The works kept in Palekh State Museum and Historical Museum in the town of Kursk, in All-Russia Museum after Paushkin in St Petersburg(Moyka 12).