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Rodina Zoya Pavlovna (1929)

Rodina Zoya Pavlovna was born in 1929. Now she resides in the village of Kholui, Ivanonvo Region.
In 1955 the artist finished the Kholui Art School. Her teacher was Kosterin Konstantin Vasilievich. The diploma work of Artsist Rodina was the casket entitled "Finish".
At present Zoya works at the factory of miniature painting, at home and also teaches at the Kholui Art School.
The artist paints her works in the style of Kholui lacquered miniature using tempera paints. Prefers to depict in her compositions themes of Russian folklore especially fairy-tales and bylinas.
Zoya appreciates her works mostly for drawing and expressiveness. Beginning to paint, she intends to create an interesting work that people will like. Finishes working after decorating a box with elegant gold and silver ornaments.
The artist prefers to use in painting contrast tones. In addition to traditions of the Kholui lacquered miniature style she applies in work her personal technique methods.
Artist thinks her works can be easily recognizable owing to mildness of tone. She also supposes that her works are notable for thinness and precision of drawing, coloring and execution of high quality.
Works by Baburin Nikolay Ivanovich had a great influence on formation of the artist's style of painting.
In her free time Zoya keeps house.
The artist likes her profession very much and hopes that the art of Kholui lacquered miniature will develop and flourish in future.

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