Arapov Andrey Vasilyevich was born in 1956.
He finished the Palekh Art School in 1979. His teacher was B.M. Nemtinov.
Worked in the Palekh studios of lacquer miniature painting in 1979-1989. An Artist works in the society “The Association of Palekh Artists” since 1989 and also teaches in Palekh Art School.
Arapov began exhibiting since 1981. His box “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” won the Diploma of the IX All-Russia exhibition “Russia” (Moscow, 1999).
Major works are:
- Plate “Boris Godunov” (1997),
- “Sivka-Burka” (together with his wife N.N. Arapova),
- Box “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (1998),
- “Princess Frog” (together with his wife N.N. Arapova).
The information on this artist you can find in the book by E.K. Brantchikova "Palekh miniaturists", page 16.
A.V. Arapov's work is displayed on a page 79 in the Book by Lucy Maxym , 1997, RUSSIAN LACQUER LEGENDS AND FAIRY TALES, Volume I, Corners of the World Inc., 855F Conklin Street, Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735, ISBN0 940202-01-8